
A Mother's Keepsake

November “Countdown Method”/Noviem “Metodo de cuenta atras”

Greetings single mothers.

In July or August of this year, I recommended you purchase a calendar, on which you should write down Parent-Teacher Nights, PTA meetings, field trips, teacher-student flex days off, and holidays.

Remember, I shared with you the “Countdown Method”?

Our children, adolescents, and young adults with Autism and other developmental disabilities can be anxious human beings. Nevertheless, they look forward to the upcoming day(s) when school won’t be in session. Thus, Thanksgiving will be here soon.

Right now, is an ideal time for single mothers and their children to look over that calendar again and see what dates have been blocked out/marked out for no school. At the same time, single mothers you can do the “Countdown Method” with your adolescents. For example, count with children, “Okay there are 1, 2, 3, 4 days until Thanksgiving. You will be out of school ____ days, and you won’t go back until ________ date.”

So, to motivate those to get out of bed in the mornings, for our children and adolescents on the Autism Spectrum and other developmental disabilities, my son and I frequently looked at the kitchen wall calendar and then we would do the “Countdown Method” to know when the next day(s) and time(s) there would be no school to attend.

Single mothers who find it difficult to get their children and teens with Autism and other developmental disabilities up in the morning for school, should incorporate the “Countdown Method” into their household routine. Or better yet, play favorite song(s) repeatedly. Both work for me.

Disclaimer: This information is for educational purposes only. It is not meant to prevent or cure any diagnosis and/or disease.

Saludos madres solteras.

En julio o agosto de este año, le recomendé que comprara un calendario en el que anotara las noches de padres y maestros, las reuniones de la PTA, las excursiones, los días libres flexibles para maestros y estudiantes y los días festivos.

¿Recuerdas que compartí contigo el “Método de cuenta regresiva”?

Nuestros niños, adolescentes y adultos jóvenes con autismo y otras discapacidades del desarrollo pueden ser seres humanos ansiosos. Sin embargo, esperan con ansias los próximos días en los que no habrá clases. Por lo tanto, el Día de Acción de Gracias llegará pronto.

Ahora mismo es un momento ideal para que las madres solteras y sus hijos revisen ese calendario nuevamente y vean qué fechas han sido bloqueadas/marcadas para que no haya escuela. Al mismo tiempo, las madres solteras pueden realizar el “Método Cuenta Regresiva” con sus hijos adolescentes. Por ejemplo, cuente con los niños: “Está bien, quedan 1, 2, 3, 4 días hasta el Día de Acción de Gracias. Estarás fuera de la escuela ____ días y no volverás hasta la fecha ________”.

Entonces, para motivar a nuestros niños y adolescentes en el espectro autista y otras discapacidades del desarrollo a levantarse de la cama por las mañanas, mi hijo y yo mirábamos con frecuencia el calendario de pared de la cocina y luego hacíamos el “Método de Cuenta Regresiva” para saber cuándo los próximos días y horas no habrá clases a las que asistir.

Las madres solteras a quienes les resulta difícil levantar a sus hijos y adolescentes con autismo y otras discapacidades del desarrollo por la mañana para ir a la escuela, deberían incorporar el “Método de Cuenta Regresiva” en su rutina doméstica. O mejor aún, reproduzca sus canciones favoritas repetidamente. Ambos funcionan para mí.

Descargo de responsabilidad: Esta información es sólo para fines educativos. No pretende prevenir ni curar ningún diagnóstico y/o enfermedad.

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2023 October Birthday

Thank you all for the birthday wishes. Each and every one of you made my special day even more special. Thank you so much again. Take care of yourselves and stay safe!

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Daddy’s Black Mercedes Benz

Thank you to those huge ebony Hawaiian angels, who appeared out-of-the-blue and helped me and my nephew with my dad’s former black Mercedes Benz.

These big gigantic Samoan angels helped push that immobile car to a secure north Long Beach location near East Harding Street and Atlantic Avenue.

Thank you, thank you, thank you😘 You are forever in my heart and mind. Love you!

Author Brenda Lee Gertman PO Box 4382; Lakewood, California 90711

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Autism Tip 8 for Single Mothers

Summer School

I sent my son with Autism to summer school every year up until he reached his junior year of high school. Only that year (11th Grade) was he allowed to skip summer school.

Three months off from school may result in our children with autism and developmental disabilities forgetting all of what they learned throughout the school year. According to Forbes Contributor Nick Morrison, “While some children gain an additional 32% of their in-school gains an additional 32% of their in-school gains over the summer, others lose almost 90% of what they have learned over the year.”

After years of attending summer school, it has benefited my Autistic son greatly today.

Your patience has been much appreciated and I thank you for reading my blog post.

Morrison, Nick. “Children Lose Up To 40% Of Learning Over Summer Break – So Imagine What Lockdown Will Do.” Forbes: 10 Jul. 2020.

Written by Author Miss Brenda Lee Gertman PO Box 4382, Lakewood, California 90711

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Missing you, Mama

What do I miss about my mother you may ask?

One of the attributes I miss about my mother is that no matter how much I beg or offer her money to press my hair if she wasn’t in the mood her response would be an adamant “NO!” And she meant it. Well, at that particular moment. The closer it got to the special event I needed my hair, mama would call me around 9 or 10 o’clock in the late evening.

She would say, “You betta hurry up and get over here (family house) if you want your hair done!”

“But mama?” I tirelessly exclaimed.

“Gurl, you betta hurry up now!” “Before I change my mine” Mama verbally railed on the landline phone.

So, mama and I would be up until the wee hours of 2 or 3 o’clock in the morning hot combing and pressing my hair.

Another characteristic I miss about Mama is her hanging the phone up in my face because we disagreed in our conversation. Mama would call me back as if she hadn’t hung the phone up in my face. Lol

Missing you, mama(R.I.P.).

Happy Mother’s Day to all mothers. I know life gets challenging carrying the load by yourself, especially if you are a single mother. Please make a way to surround yourself with other families, mothers, and/or single parents. As a result, you will be encouraged.

By Author Brenda Lee Gertman PO Box 4382; Lakewood, California 90711

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Neighbor: Grandma Mora

Thank you, Grandma Mora, for spending quality time with me yesterday…

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Happy Thanksgiving 2022

Happy Thanksgiving Family and Friends!

It’s my hope you are having fun with friends, family, and distant relatives. Most importantly, I pray you are in the company of people who you respect, and people who respect you.

Personally, I’m grateful for a lot.

Through the years, I am thankful God has sent many people and angels to help guide me, being a single mother, raising two children with disabilities.

I am thankful for family. As a result of having to move out of an apartment, I could eventually return to my family for shelter.

You can read more about what I’m thankful for, after reading my Gratitude List. I hope you can see the blessings in your own life as well. Please click the following link:

Follow me at: PO Box 4382, Lakewood, California 90711









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Autism Tip 6 for Single Mothers

Tip 6 to caregivers, grandparents-as-parents, guardians, and single mothers guiding and raising exceptional (special) needs children, adolescents and young adults, take an intricate look at what your children’s unique characteristics and attributes are. Observe what interests them and what they are skilled at doing. For example, are your children good at drawing, coloring, painting, acting, singing, playing an instrument, reading about animals, cars, rocks, etc…

God has bestowed gifts and talents upon everyone.

When we learn what our children’s gifts and talents are, it is our job as caregivers, guardians, grandparents-as-parents, and single mothers to make the time to fully develop and cultivate our exceptional (special) needs children, adolescents and young adults gifts and talents.

Being a single mother, I know this can be easier said than done.

Guiding and helping our children with developmental disabilities discover their gifts and talents avoids the cliché “An idle mind is the devil’s workshop.”

Author Miss Brenda Lee Gertman PO Box 4382; Lakewood, California 90711

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Love You All

Good morning Family, Friends, and Neighbors!

Check out my new business launch:

For caregivers, guardians, and single mothers of exceptional (special) needs children, adolescents, and young adults, I am planning to do another launch the first week of October for National Disability Employment Awareness Month.

Love, peace, and safety always,

Sister Brenda Lee Gertman

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